Sakwiba Sikota Accused of Laundering Money Along with Others, FIC Reports

Financial Intelligence Centre recently released news which shocked the entire nation. This news was a report on mass money laundering scheme going on within Zambia and the involvement of top legal counsellors, government officials and even some ministers in it. Since this release, numerous corporate giants, industrialists as well as citizens have marched against the government and their inability to identify this mass money laundering act which has been undergoing for a long time. 

As per the news report, this money laundering scheme has been going on for years. While the FIC were investigating similar incidents across the nation, this particular scheme was kept under the radar for a long time. In fact, it was only after observing illegal cash transactions from the bank accounts of suspected lawyers, the FIC was able to sense this scheme and launch a deeper investigation on the matter. The investigation revealed some shocking notes when the FIC released a list of names of individuals involving in this mass money laundering act. The list comprised of corporations, law firms, lawyers, government contractors and even some ministers. 

One of the names in the list was of Sakwiba Sikota, the owner of Central Chambers. His firm, Central Chambers, has been accused of laundering money worth more than USD 1 million. Furthermore, he is also infamous for his long-term association with the Ventriglias as their legal counsellor. The Ventriglias are known for engaging in unethical practices, most infamous being the illegal takeover of the Portland Cement Zambia from its real owner, Dr. Rajan Mahtani

Now that the crimes against these corrupt lawyers are exposed, it is time for the government to take actions against them.


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